Monday, January 11, 2010

Call for Submissions

From Hill to Holler: Stories of Contemporary Appalachia
From Bottom Dog Press Inc.

Huron, OH

From Hill to Holler is an anthology about what it is to live and struggle in Appalachia today. The short stories included will be sharp, vivid evocations of a place and a culture, fictions that chart new territories between the moutains, its valleys and the people who inhabit them. We don't want sentimental treatments of Grandaddy's rocking chair. Think instead of the “mud, the blood and the beer” of the area—realistic, unsparing portrayals. Both Northern and Southern treatments of the Appalachian theme are encouraged. Any style is acceptable, as long as it serves the story and the audience. Send us your top drawer stories.

Editors: Charles Dodd White and Page Seay

This book will be published as part of Bottom Dog Press's Working Lives Fiction Series


Length: between 3,000 and 6,000 words.

Submissions are open now. The reading will be ongoing.

Deadline: July 1, 2010.

Email submissions only. Send attached .rtf or .doc file to: and make sure the word “Submission” is somewhere in the subject line.

Payment: $50 and two copies

Reprints are acceptable in some cases. Please let us know where it’s been published and if the publication was print or online.

Simultaneous submissions are okay as long as we are notified immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

No multiple submissions, please. Pick your best story and send it forward.

Thanks for sending us your stories. We love reading them.

1 comment:

  1. I want to send you a story for this book.
    However, I only have previously published work.
    (my life has diverged away from a focus on short fiction onto financing my sons' college education.)
    How cool are you all with an older story?
    chris offuff
